Professor Padavic will give guet lectures and present ongoing projects related to her research on gender, class, race and work. Some of her latest publications include:
Together with J. Fiorito & P. DiOrentiis: Reconsidering Union Activism and its Meaning, published in British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 53, 2015.
Together with A. Jacobs: Hours, Scheduling, and Flexibility for Women in the U.S. Low-Wage Labor Force, in Gender, Work and Organization, vol. 22, 2015.
Together with J. Sumerau and D. Schrock: "Little girls unwilling to do what's best for them": Resurrecting Patriarchy in an LGBT Christian Church, in Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, vol. 44, 2015.
Together with J. Butterfield: The Impact of Legal Inequality on Relational Power in Planned Lesbian Families, in Gender & Society, vol. 28, 2014.
Please contact Rebecca Selberg for more information on Professor Padavic's stay at the department!