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Gender, Citizenship and Migration 7,5 credits


The course Gender, Citizenship and Migration will explore gendered and racialized processes of inclusion and exclusion to the nation state. Issues regarding sexuality and reproduction in relation to citizenship will also be addressed.

The aim of this course is to provide the student with basic knowledge about current racialized formations of gender, citizenship, and migration. Social, economic, political as well as cultural dimensions of citizenship and migration will be adressed. The course engages with key theoretical debates in the field, in particular postcolonial and feminist conceptual investigations of citizenship, (non)belonging, and migration. The course is 7,5 hp and runs in Fall term. It is a parttime course.



Josefin Larsson
Tel. 046-222 97 78
josefin [dot] larsson [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (josefin[dot]larsson[at]genus[dot]lu[dot]se)

Maria Persson
046-222 08 01
maria [dot] persson [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se

Lunds universitet: Universitets allmänna studievägledning