Nanna Dahler

I hold a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in social anthropology from University of Copenhagen. I wrote my master thesis on the medical age assessment of young asylum seekers in Denmark.
Research Areas
- The welfare state and the family
- Social reproduction theory
- Reproductive governance
Current research and teaching
My dissertation project looks into forced adoptions as social policy in the Danish welfare state.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Ghosts of Ellebæk Prison : Deportation and Control in Carceral Denmark
Nanna Dahler
(2022) Marx, Engels, and Marxisms , p.207-230
Del av eller Kapitel i bokForced Adoptions in Denmark: Child Welfare as Reproductive Governance
Nanna Dahler
Konferens - annatBiometrics as imperialism: age assessments of young asylum seekers in Denmark
Nanna Kathrine Dahler-Larsen
(2020) Race & Class, 62
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